Meet Your IAR CE Requirements
Complete NASAA’s new investment adviser CE model rule requirements with our top-of-the-line training courses.

➤ B.E.S.T. IAR Courses
Browse our online CE course catalog to select from various course topics that will assist you in fulfilling your IAR CE credit requirements. Upon completion, we will report your credit hour(s) to FINRA within two (2) business days.
➤ IAR CE Requirement FAQs
New requirements can be complicated to understand, but we are here to help. Below are a few common FAQs: (Click on a FAQ’s question to view its answer.) Click here for a complete list of FAQs from NASAA.
A common misconception is that the requirement is triggered by where the IAR firm is registered or notice filed. However, the requirement is applied based on where the IAR is registered regardless of where the IAR is domiciled or the firm is registered or notice filed.
Please note, the credits must be split this way. If an IAR takes 8 credits of Products and Practice and 4 credits of Ethics and Professional Responsibility, they will not satisfy that year’s requirements even though they attained 12 total credits.
An IAR who is dually registered as a broker-dealer agent may report their completed FINRA Regulatory Element CE to satisfy six credits of the Products and Practice component.
Every Ethics and Professional Responsibility course must ensure that at least one-half (50%) of the material in the course is related to an IAR’s ethical responsibility. Therefore, by taking all 6 credits, the IAR meets the 3 credits of ethics that is required by the Model Rule. This ensures that every IAR can meet the ethics component of the IAR CE model rule. If course providers are unable to certify that content on ethical responsibility is covered or if content reviews determine that content on ethical responsibility is insufficient, those courses will not be approved.
An IAR must satisfy six credits annually of this component.
Example: Joe failed to complete his IAR CE requirement for 2022 by December 31, 2022. Any IAR CE courses he completes in 2023 will be applied to the 2022 deficiency until that requirement is completed. Excess credits in 2023 will not be applied to the 2024 IAR CE requirement.
NASAA Model Regulations State Adoptions
State Adoptions of NASAA Rule on Investment Adviser Representative CE (Model Rule 2002-411(h) or 1956-204(b)(6)-CE).
➤ State Adoption Status
The NASAA Model Rule is being adopted on a state-by-state basis, but states are not required to adopt. However, if your state does not adopt the model rule, you still may be subject to completing CE credits for states where you are registered that have adopted the model rule to stay in compliance.
The map below shows each state that has officially adopted the new rule and those considering adoption. The table to the right of the map, lists each state with its effective date of adoption.

Model Rule Effective Adoption Dates